Monday, April 2, 2012


It's been over two years since the hubster lost his job/retired/became my new best friend. By the way, why is it called, "loosing your job"? The job isn't lost really; it just doesn't exist in its previous form anymore. At any rate, he is at home with me now. Some days that is a blessing and sometimes it is a curse. Mostly it's a blessing and I try not to complain too much on the "off" days. Trying to be sympathetic to his frustrations and restlessness can be equally trying for me. Maybe all that frustration burns more calories! A girl can hope, right?

The blessings are many. He now folds and puts away the laundry and will unload the dishwasher too.  The younger gand-darlings get to see him without the distraction of a job that kept him from the picnics and tea parties during the week days. Online shopping and checking investments as well as maintaining our bank accounts helps fill his days.  Today, for instance, a box of "Cheri's Berries" arrived at the door. "For you" he said and I marvel at how much better he has gotten at surprises and gifts now that he has the time to "shop". The big secret is that he can now shop in his jammies with his coffee in hand! Funny how that works.

The off days are crappy. We get on each other's nerves and bicker like small children playing in the sandbox. I tear-up and plot an escape (never matter that I never do it). Mother was right; sleep on it and the sun will come up and bring with it new day. 

He is way too young to be "retired" ! Isn't that for old men who play checkers and feed pigeons from a park bench? I guess not. When do I retire? It seems that I do he same things as always. I just now have a helper. The pigeons will have to wait and we never did like to play checkers.