Buzz words make me want to scream while pulling my hair out! My personal favorite buzz word or phrase is, drum roll please, "politically correct". What nut cup coined that one? Did personal responsibility, using good manners and being respectful just vanish from our collective culture? Oh, goodness there goes another one; culture. Instead of the melting pot of our parents generation, we are expected to respect other cultures in our midst. Huh? Did I miss something? Was someone disrespectful? Culture was what my grandmother wanted me to acquire by reading and studying while broadening my horizons. If I had been disrespectful or sassy, my mouth would have gotten washed out with soap. My grandmother is long dead and buried, but her teachings live on. Would that we all had southern mothers and grandmothers! Their rules are really very simple;
1. No sass, especially to one's elders.
2. No use of swearwords (This is the one usually broken first, I know firsthand )
3. Use no racial slurs (We all put our pants on the same way; one leg at a time.)
4. Appreciate others' religion ( you don't have to buy into it, but don't pass judgement either)
5. Discussion of politics and the afore mentioned religion are off limits in polite company. At the very least, if you bend this one a little, don't let the discussion become an argument.
6. Don't chew gum in public
7. Don't sing, hum or read a book at the dinner table. I think that this is important, not for the obvious reason, but because dinner/supper times should be family time.
8. Never reply to an elder by saying, "yeah" or "naw". Yes sir, no Ma'am, you get the visual.
9.A firm handshake is always appropriate, but let the lady extend her hand first.
10. Be on time
11. Make every attempt to remember people's names.
This list is just a starting point for anyone questioning what came before "politically correct".
Etiquette is whole different list for another time.