What is wrong with this picture? It frustrates me to no end that expressing an opinion brings on rants and wrath from others who do not agree! Do we all need to agree all the time? In my opinion, no. If we all agreed, we'd be swimming in a sea of vanilla ice cream. Baskin-Robbins offers thirty-one flavors. We could follow their lead.
My opinion, which I freely admit is an unpopular one, was posted by me on Facebook. Good grief, what a storm it caused. My so-called "friends" cried foul in a big way by posting and chastising me in no uncertain terms. They, of course, have the same rights that I do. Yep, I get that. What is so hilarious to me is that they think that they are more "right" than I. Opinions offer a great option; that is that there is no right nor wrong. Some even called on Christianity to chastise me. Oops, that stung. I'll bet even Jesus had opinions. He was the only perfect human being, in my opinion, so he probably was wiser than I, in my opinion, and kept them to himself. Even in my advanced age, I am not always wise nor quiet. One friend asked if it made me feel good to offer what she thought was a nasty remark. No, because it was an opinion.
Let's get this straight. I have lots of opinions and I mostly keep them under wraps. That is a surprise to anyone who knows me and thinks that I speak out a lot. What is going on in my head is a lot more than what I'm saying, so in the interest of friendship, I button my lip! If I said everything that I was thinking, well, never mind.
Today's observations were on Mrs. Obama. First of all, let me say that I admire her in many ways. She is smart, accomplished, loves and supports her husband, is a good mother, and pursues her causes. That is my sincere opinion of her. The other more unpopular opinion is that she needs braces, and her bangs are unattractive. Today she wore a coat that was perfectly tailored to church only to mess up the look by adding a belt later in the day. That is in my opinion! So I didn't like the belted look, shoot me now!
The presidential daughters are nice-looking kids. They seem to be well-behaved and gracious too. However, there have been times over the last four years that I thought (thought being the operative word) that their outfits were more befitting ladies of the evening. Revealing and older-than-they-are outfits are never attractive, in my humble opinion. Reaching back in time I remember a certain daughter who attempted leaving our house in a pair of jeans that Swiss cheese would envy. Certain father ordered her to remove the offensive pants and replace them with a more appropriate pair or she risked having sharing her night with the parental units instead of her friends. She complied and all was well. It was and still is our opinion that kids should dress like kids and not emulate rock stars nor movie stars. Children are children; not small adults.
So in closing , my friends, I do not wish to bring the house down with any of my opinions. They are from a conservative, senior citizen, Christian, who believes in the freedom of speech including humble opinions. If you don't like to see them in print, you will not hurt my feelings if you choose not to read them. In return I ask that you also exercise your freedom of speech by posting your own opinions anywhere you'd like, including Facebook. I can then either read them or not and agree or not. In my humble opinion, this a good thing!
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