Monday, March 5, 2012

The New "Occupy"

What is with those people? Why are they protesting corporate greed? Why don't I get it?

Let me tell you, I wouldn't camp out in protest  against anything unless there was an end in sight and there were flushing toilets at the sight! Geez! Of course, if you know me; you know that I have never camped out, slept in a tent nor owned a real sleeping bag. The last sleeping bag I owned was only suitable for inside sleepovers and I think it flowers on it. My mother gave it to Goodwill when I was in college.

Now that I've gotten all that out of the way; I want to put forth some thought- provoking questions that I can't answer nor do I expect anyone else to do so.

My first question is; What do the occupiers expect to accomplish? Do they think that pooping in public and rabble-rousing will get the ceos to hand over the dough to the less fortunate? Am I the only one who thinks that this smacks of socialism? Hello! Cold War? Berlin Wall? Please spare me.

My second question may seem to have nothing whatsoever to do with protesting but you'll just have to bear with me while I explain. Have you ever attended a college or a professional football game? Basketball game? Baseball game? Well, children you've just handed over your dough (or Daddy's gold card) to the "man". I read in our local newspaper, just two short weeks ago, that the University of Texas football coach, Mac Brown, was expected to sign a multi-million dollar contract (in excess of 50 million over the next 5 years). In the same paper there was a report of a baseball player who had signed a contract for over 30 million (I can't remember the exact amount, since I blurred the ink while spewing my morning coffee). Where are the protesters? Wait, I think I get it. "They" are occupying the seats!

On to my next question; Why are the Hollywood stars participating in some of the protest?  Does anyone really believe that the celebs give two hoots about the great unwashed? Take Angie and Brad (please!) for instance. They have made people swoon with their "generosity" and humanitarian good deeds. Let me get this straight. They are unmarried, have a boat load of kids (biological as well as adopted), have an entourage of helpers, have residences in several places and command millions for their films and other endeavors. They could just write a check to rebuild the ninth ward in NOLA and be done with it. Instead of disdain or protests, the public worships them. I really am confused now.

Before anyone starts sending me ugly messages; please just consider my questions. I am older and getting  more confused daily about what constitutes right and what is acceptable.
Working hard and rising to the top of the corporate ladder is what America is all about, or used to be. Worshipping celebrities and sports stars is is alien to me. I had a poster of Paul Newman on my wall when I was 15 years old. It was a stunner of him in a tee-shirt ala "Hud" . I loved it and him but I never knew nor cared how much money he made for being the star of "Hud". My father always said that what people made or were paid was nobody's business but their own. I agreed then as I do now. Paul went on to a second career as a philanthropist by parlaying his salad dressings into a multimillion dollar industry and giving the profit to charities. Where are the protests?

It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff . Who are the real enemies and who are the heroes? With the election year here and November approaching, let's take a closer look at the barking dogs. Daddy always said that the guiltiest dog always barked the loudest. Let the protest and the barking begin. I have my pen ready for that $$$contract. What a hoot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's late and I'm tired so I should not attempt anything more than an "Amen" but what the heck. I am also old and not as much confused as disgusted. I am sick to death of class warfare and those in power who stoke the flames. I am annoyed by those who don't appreciate the opportunities that this county provides and simplemindedly join these protests and then can't even articulate what they really want. Many have been brought up in an educational system where everyone gets a trophy whether they have earned it or not. They want their stuff, man! They believe that there is a finite amount of wealth and that the big guys are hogging it all. They feel entitled for some reason. One thing that I find chilling is that some people I know that are not even part of this movement are saying "so is socialism really that bad?"