Monday, September 27, 2010

Birth Days

My birthday was last week. For years my friends made light of the day because so many bad things happened on the day or very close to it. They would joke that they couldn't have lunch with me for fear of dying! This was in reference to my grandmother's death on my thirteenth birthday. Let's just say that that event got the ball rolling. Other birthday happenings have been wrecks, more deaths, funerals and kid troubles.

One friend moved my birthday to the next week just to avoid the real day. A little insurance never hurts. For a few years that actually worked or maybe the moon was in the seventh house, if you believe that sort of crap. I don't but I'll take it anyway I can get it.

This year the bad luck was with me again. Oh well, there is always next year. I'll add that week to it. As I said, a little insurance doesn't hurt.

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